Monday, October 6, 2008

A Note of thanks to bloggers who reviewed us

We would like to give a note of thank to all the bloggers who reviewed on their blogs.
  1. Bangalore Inc :
  2. Launchwire :
  3. Pcdrome :
  4. GeniusHackers :
  5. Spsneo :
Thanks again for your wonderful reviews and spreading the word.

Gtalkbots Team


Alok said...

Gtalkbot is a cool idea but it would be good to have some fuctionality like deleting a status and it would be good to see it extend to yahoo messenger etc.

Also i would like to have thumbdown for status and while sharing adding annotation would be cool too.

Abhinav.Singh said...

Hi Alok,

What specifically do you mean by deleting a status. Do you mean deleting your or your friends status. Deleting your's wont be an issues, but deleting your friend's can be. As your friend might be a friend to someone else who might not want that status to be deleted. Maintaining a delete flag on indivisual basis can prove to be a bit complex, hence we can't assure you on this feature. Yes if you want to delete some of your status messages, surely that can be made available.

Further thumb down at times can lead to a cold war. Hence we have refrained from such an option as of now, but surely it can be a good option in future.

I didn't get you on your last point. What do you mean by "sharing adding annotation would be cool" - Can you be more specific and clear on this please.

Finally thanks a lot buddy for your feedback. Check out our next post on our upcoming features and stay tuned :)

Alok said...

Hi Abhinav,

I meant deleting my status.Also unsharing status which i shared.

I know thumbs down could lead to battle. :)

While sharing a status you ask for a tag what i wanted was to add a side note to status which I am sharing .If you use feedly addon of firefox you can see while recommending a news you can add a thing like "here is intresting story".

Also how can one disable gtalkbot from taking status and then re-enable it.

Keep up the good work.

Abhinav.Singh said...

Hi Alok,

Alright deleting your status can be made available and quite understandable. As many times it does happens that while setting your status, you are in the middle of it and it get sets.

Further Alok, unsharing your shared status is already enabled. Go to Dashboard -> My Status -> Managa Shared Status, i.e. .You may choose to unshare a status which you have shared before.

Finally adding a note before sharing your status can be interesting. That can be made available too.

Look forward to these features in implementation soon and keep flowing your ideas and suggestion. :)
